domingo, 10 de mayo de 2009



This film is about a interpreter called Silvia Broome that she has heard a death threat against an African head of state, spoken in a strange dialect called ku, that only few people can understand and speak. Silvia becomes a hunted target of the killers because she heard something problematic. Silvia is protected by a federal agent called Tobin Keller, but he doesn’t believe her and he thinks that she is involved in this conspiracy. Inspector Keller and his team have to keep secure the Silvia’s life because she is his only proof of the conspiracy.
After all Keller finally believe her and they work together to solve this problem. Suddenly Silvia go to a bus stop took by a class agent of Keller to find there Kuman-Kuman. During the route she speaks with Kuman-Kuman to get information about her brother that had been disappeared. Finally when she go out of the bus it exploits caused by a terrorist to eliminate the two candidates for taking the place of the African head of state. Kuman-Kuman dies there and also one of the agents.
Fillip, Silvia’s friend, commits suicide and let her a notebook with the names of the people that have been killed. Keller give it her and now she knows that her brother is dead.
After that Dr. Zuani is going to make a speaking about the problems of his country, Matobo. When he arrives at the UN Silvia wants to kill him for all the unfair things that he made and also for breaking a lot of his promises. Finally Keller prevents the killing.

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