lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009


Once upon a time in a far away land there was a reign. In this reign life was easy and comfortable, all was calm until unfortunatly a dragon suddenly appeared and caused confusion. It terrorized all the people of the reign. The dragon first starting eating the animals of the land. But quickly it killed all of it. After that the dragon start killing people to get food a person every day that was chosen by random. The person who was chosen out have to be sacrifized.

The time passed and one day the luck choose the princess of the reign to be sacrifized. The princess were prepared and she left the castle alone and frightened, and began to walk towards the monster drops. When she was carrying a walk she found a young knight, riding a white horse, with armor and all golden and shiny. The princess told him to get out of there and the main reason was the existence of a dragon. But the gentleman told her that she doesn't have to worry about it. He told her that he had come there to fight the monster and kill it to get the freedom of her about the sacrifice.

The gentleman called St George beat the dragon and he sank his sword in the heart of the dragon and the blood of the dragon apeared a lot of roses . The village that was watching the batlle when the knight has won the people of this reign became crazy of happiness. The king was so pleased that he wanted to marry her daughter with the prince, but St George said that he only fight with the dragon because he thinks that was necessary. And finally he disapeared as well as he apeared.


Nowadays we have a lot of knowledge about how animals can disappear or can arrive at extinction.

For this reason and others I think that spending money to save animals is a good way to solve this problem. The extinction of animals is a problem that we have to solve because when a species disappears we can't save it or bring it back to life. So I think that this action is very useful to solve the problem.

Also if a specie of animal disappears it can affect the ecosystem of the Earth because this can break the balance and can appear more problems.

In conclusion I agree with spending money on saving animals because they are necessary for the world and also because it's very cruel not to do anything to save in general, any animal.


The computer games are an invention of the 1970's and nowadays the game industry has been updated and thanks to the technology the graphics have been increased and the forms to play.

Computer games are very popular and a lot of teenagers as well as adults are interested in it. There are a lot of games that compete with others. This business makes a lot of money and it's for this reason that there is a lot of upgrades to make better games, to increase their sales.

The main reason that people play games is because it's a kind of entertainment and you can do what you want in it. It seems like another world where the rules are completely different than here, our world. This is another reason that a lot of people play computer games.

My conclusion is that if this industry has the capacity to be original creating games that are unusual, funny, and catchy, this business will be very important because a lot of people like to disconnect from their own life and they do this with computers games.


Nowadays, like always, teenagers have been doing a lot of things to rebel against adults and, of course, the adults we have closer to us are our parents and our teachers.

Sometimes we rebel against adults to get something, like to be able to go out, or to buy something that we want or to able to do what we want, but most of there rebellions actions are to revindicate that we are free and able to choose our way alone. Because often adults have the prejudice that we can't do anything without help.

My conclusion is that teenagers only sometimes look for ways to rebel against adults to show that we are capable of doing a lot of things alone.


Hello people today I decided to talk about the FC Barcelona because this year Barça are playing very vell and now they have the oportunity to win 3 competitions: the league, the cup of King and the Champions.
Some reasons of this exit are they teamwork and also because they have some very good players managed by a fantastic trainer named Pep Guardiola. Last year Real Madrid wons the league but this year the most sure is that Barça will win because they are better than Real Madrid. This fact was clearly demonstrated the last week in the match Real Madrid against FC Barcelona, the result was 2-6, for me it was one of the best wins that I have ever seen. I watch this match with my friends in Cristian's house and we enjoyed it a lot. We are sure this year FCB will win the 3 cups!

See you soon and "Força Barça"!

Summer is comming!!

The summer is comming, and everbody is thinking which is the best place to go to holiday. In my opinion, the best place to spend a great holiday is... Tunisia. Tunisia is located near the Mediterranean sea. It is bordered by Algeria to the west and Libya to the southeast. It is the northernmost African country and the smallest of the nations situated along the Atlas mountain range.

Although is in Afica, and is an Islamic country, it's a very developed conuntry (women don't have to wear veil). Maybe, this year, we will go there because of the end of Batxillerat. Some people desagree to go there, because they think is't a dangerous country. This page will show you that you are wrong:


During the holy week the things that I was basically done was study and prepare exams. The exams that now we are doing because we have very little time to complete this course. Well the Easter of this year was not the best, without doubt. But I also do “brunyols” with my grandparents like each year.

A part of it, I also spent my time with friends that we enjoy the weekends. We went out in discotheques to find party but only during the weekend. For example we went to “Pacha” and “Chic”. We take these days to disconnect about our work and our study. A part of these days I spent the rest of the week to study and to keep forces to finish this course well.

Easter was a good week to stay at home and retake my hobbies like drawing and also watch some films that I wanted to see some day. So well, this was my Easter of this year I hope the following Easter will be more exciting

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2009


In the summer when I was workig in a supermarket called "Montserrat" I saw differents robberies done by some criminals.

One day a criminal was stealing from the cellar a very expensive whisky that cost about 120 eur. The criminal had been seen through the security cameras and immediatly the security guard phone the local police. He also followed him to know what he wanted to do and when the criminal was paying, the security guard caught him. After that the police arrived and they put him in jail.

This is only one of the anecdotes that I experimented last summer.

A dream come true

The day that my dream came true was when I was 19 years old. This day I was spending my summer holidays. Concretly, I was having a dinner with the bachillerat classmates.

The main reason because we prepared this dinner was because the high school gave us the results marks of the selectivity. So we were celebrating it. The dinner has gone on very expensive place where also there had prepared a party after the dinner to continue celebrating it.

Personally, I was celebrating that I got a 7,8 avarage mark and with it I could get in the veterinary degree. This celebration continued the following day. We had organized a trip. We went to Greece together. This travel was about one week and we spent our time in the best way possible.

This was the day when one of my dreams came true.



This film is about a interpreter called Silvia Broome that she has heard a death threat against an African head of state, spoken in a strange dialect called ku, that only few people can understand and speak. Silvia becomes a hunted target of the killers because she heard something problematic. Silvia is protected by a federal agent called Tobin Keller, but he doesn’t believe her and he thinks that she is involved in this conspiracy. Inspector Keller and his team have to keep secure the Silvia’s life because she is his only proof of the conspiracy.
After all Keller finally believe her and they work together to solve this problem. Suddenly Silvia go to a bus stop took by a class agent of Keller to find there Kuman-Kuman. During the route she speaks with Kuman-Kuman to get information about her brother that had been disappeared. Finally when she go out of the bus it exploits caused by a terrorist to eliminate the two candidates for taking the place of the African head of state. Kuman-Kuman dies there and also one of the agents.
Fillip, Silvia’s friend, commits suicide and let her a notebook with the names of the people that have been killed. Keller give it her and now she knows that her brother is dead.
After that Dr. Zuani is going to make a speaking about the problems of his country, Matobo. When he arrives at the UN Silvia wants to kill him for all the unfair things that he made and also for breaking a lot of his promises. Finally Keller prevents the killing.


Truancy is the practice of staying away from school without permission and nowadays it is increasing in high schools.

On one hand I think that students are playing truant than before and this causes some problems. The mains problems caused by doing it are that a student loses their classes and that produces failure at school. That happens because a student that has played truant he have his notes and also he doesn’t know what the class has done.

On the other hand I think that students continue doing it because when we have the period of exams we also have classes and to be able to study in order to get high marks we bunk off.

I know that the solution isn’t truancy but sometimes we use it to get our objective which is passing the exams.

In conclusion truancy isn’t the solution but we need it but it has to be under control.